Non-Aligned Newsreels
Mila Turajlić's Non-Aligned Newsreels project, the subject of her research at the Institute, has had some exciting developments.
60th anniversary of the first Summit of Non-Aligned countries
This month marks the 60th anniversary of the first Summit of Non-Aligned countries, which took place in Belgrade in 1961. Mila is participating in two events marking that occasion. She was commissioned by the Drugo More Gallery in Rijeka, Croatia to create a video installation on the basis of the archives she has discovered and digitized for her research as part of a larger exhibition devoted to the Non-Aligned Countries. The exhibition, It is not enough to write a revolutionary poem will be on view through October 15.
On Monday, October 4th, she will present her work on the Non-Aligned Newsreels project at the MINE, YOURS, OURS 2021 academic conference, which will be live-streamed on Youtube.
Documentary Performance at the Los Angeles Film Forum
On Sunday October 3rd, she will present a documentary performance of the project (via Zoom) at the LA Film Forum, curated by Bahía Colectiva. Debris from complex vessels – fragments from the non-aligned newsreels will be available online for 5 days.
The Non-Aligned Newsreels project has been selected for development and mentoring at Cph:Lab, starting October 8th.