Emeka Ogboh participates in Tell Me About Yesterday Tomorrow
The art world has come to a halt due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Closed indefinitely, museums are resorting to alternative means of celebrating art and artists. The Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism features works by forty international artists, including Emeka Ogboh, in Tell Me About Yesterday Tomorrow, an exhibition that puts contemporary art in conversation with remembrance work performed at the center.
“The works, most of them new, invite viewers to consider global realities of life while supplementing German History with international perspectives and creating polyphonic narratives of the past and future. Through the media of painting, photography, installation, video, and performance, artists from different generations, from the Nazi period to the present day, convey many-sided images of history, recounting individual experiences while also highlighting structural connections. The exhibition features selected works of art from the Nazi period and recent decades alongside new works created specifically for this context.”