Yala Kisukidi
Laetitia africana
The idea of Laetitia Africana is rooted in an Afro-diasporic and an African experience. Its aim is to reject an ontology that ties the color “black” and the signifier “Africa” to an ontology of sufferance. Writing a history of the African continent and Afro-descendant peoples based on laetitia involves paying attention to sometimes minuscule and lusterless lives lived out despite the experience of devastation. The notion of laetitia is at the core of the book I want to write: Feux Noirs. The philosophy I wish to develop in this book is a mix of fiction, biographical elements, and theory: it will rethink the African independences from a Congolese context with the idea of hope (espérance) and its travelling from Africa to Europe through the movements of the diaspora.
Nadia Yala Kisukidi was born in Brussels, from a Congolese (DRC) father and a Franco-Italian mother. She is Associate Professor in philosophy at Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis University. She was vice-president of the Collège International de Philosophie (2014-2016) and is a member of the editorial committee of Cahiers d’études africaines (EHESS). Kisukidi is specialized in French and Africana philosophy. Her publications include Bergson ou l’humanité créatrice (CNRS, 2013), Dialogues transatlantiques (Anacaona, 2021) co-written with the Brazilian philosopher Djamila Ribeiro, and many articles in philosophy.