Where We are Headed:
Two of our leading economic historians engage in conversation about the global economic response to the current crisis, exploring how it compares with earlier forms of massive government-led mobilisation for war or systemic emergency.
Nicholas Mulder defended his PhD in History at Columbia University and begins as Assistant Professor of Modern European History at Cornell University in July 2020. His writings have appeared in n+1, New Left Review, The Nation, Dissent, H-Diplo. ‘‘The Coronavirus War Economy Will Change the World’ appeared in Foreign Policy at the end of March. His forthcoming book, The Economic Weapon, provides a history of the interwar origins of economic sanctions and he is currently working on the history of expropriation from 1914 to the 1970s, which explores the role of confiscation in the mid-century “Great Compression” of income and wealth inequality. His other interests include the experience of small countries in the global condition, the history of political and economic thought, and philosophy of history.
Adam Tooze is the Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of History at Columbia University and is Director of the European Institute. His books, which have been translated into eleven languages. include Wages of Destruction: the Making and Breaking of the Nazi War Economy, The Deluge: the Great War, America and the Remaking of the Global Order and, most recently, Crashed: How a Decade of FInancial Crises Changed the World. He has written and reviewed for the Financial Times, the Guardian, the Sunday Telegraph, the TLS, the LRB, the New left Review, the New Statesman, the WSJ, the New York Times, the New York Review of books, Dissent, Die Zeit, Spiegel, TAZ and the Sueddeutsche Zeitung. His most recent writings on the crisis include ‘Is the Coronavirus Crash Worse than the 2008 Crisis?’ (Foreign Policy, March 18), ‘We’ve Never Been Here Before’ (Washington Post, 25 March), ‘What Both Left and Right Get Wrong about the Coronavirus’ Economic Crisis’ (Vox, 28 March) and ‘What the Economist Doesn’t Tell You’, Prospect, 30 March.