Tina Campt:
Announcing our first event in the series "Mercredis de l'Institut/ Wednesdays at the Institute" with Barnard College professor and Institute Fellow Tina Campt. The talk, "Still Moving Images" will take place on October 3rd at 7pm in the Grande Salle of Reid Hall.
This lecture explores the affects of black visuality that converge in a genre of imagery called still-moving-images. Still-moving-images are images that hover somewhere between still and moving images and require the affective labor of feeling with or through them. They are images that require us to engage the overlapping sensory realms of the visual, the sonic, the haptic, and the affective labor that constellates in, around and in response to such images. The talk will animate and engage a series of filmic works that trouble the relationship between stillness, movement and motion, and reconfigure these blurred lines to create forms of black visuality which challenge their audiences to confront their own relationship to the precarity of black life in the twenty-first century.