July 11, 2023
Rendez-vous ukrainien / Українські рандеву
Reid Hall, 4 rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris
Free and open to the public
The "Rendez-vous ukrainien" celebrates the achievements of Reid Hall's Harriman Residents during their year spent in Paris.
Columbia Global Centers | Paris, the Institute for Ideas and Imagination, 1991 Project and the Embassy of Ukraine in France are delighted to invite you to:
Rendez-vous ukrainien / Українські рандеву
This two-day festival will be hosted at Reid Hall on 11 July and 15 July 2023.
Tuesday 11 July – register here:
6 p.m.
Poetry reading by Natalka Bilotserkivets (in Ukrainian)
Поетичні читання Наталки Білоцерківець
7 p.m.
Screening of Zoya Laktionova‘s documentary Diorama (in Ukrainian with English subtitles)
Показ документального фільму Зої Лактіонової «Діорама»
These events are free and open to the public.
Вхід вільний
We look forward to welcoming you to Reid Hall!