December 17, 2018
Columbia Sounds:
Reid Hall | 4, rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris
Free and open to the public
Improvisations, with Ramin Amir Arjomand, Amit Chaudhuri, Rusen Filiztek, Ershad Vaeztehrani, Sogol Mirzaei and John Kamfonas
This evening will bring together musicians whose diverse approaches to vocal and instrumental improvisation encompass traditional and experimental practices.
This performance is made possible through the New Music Fund, a program of FACE Foundation, with generous funding from the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States, Florence Gould Foundation, Foundation CHANEL, French Ministry of Culture, Institut français-Paris, and SACEM (Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique).
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