March 30, 2023
Barry Bergdoll
Out of Site/In Plain View: A History of Exhibiting Architecture Since 1750
Reid Hall | 4, rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris
Free and open to the public
Surrounding us and housing us, architecture largely forms a background. Beginning in the mid 18th century, architects sought to conquer new exhibition spaces despite obvious challenges of exhibiting one building within another. This paradoxical culture of display has played an important, changing, and intriguing role in the evolution of the modern architectural profession and of its public perception. In this talk, based on a book project in progress, Barry Bergdoll will explore the origins of the modern architectural exhibition, trace key aspects of its complex evolution, and reflect on the relevance of the practice today.
Read more about Barry Bergdoll.
This lecture series is generously supported by: