April 16, 2020
Hebatalla Taha:
Atomic Apocalypse: Utopic and Dystopic Imaginations in Arabic Science Fiction
Zoom video conference

Hebatalla Taha is a Lecturer of International Relations at the Institute for Area Studies in Leiden University in the Netherlands. She is also an Affiliate of the Centre de Recherches Internationales (CERI) at SciencesPo in Paris, France. She has held postdoctoral fellowships at SciencesPo and the American University of Beirut. She completed a DPhil (2017) and an MPhil (2013) at the University of Oxford. Her research lies at the intersection of political economy and militarism in the Middle East. Most recently, she has been working on an intellectual history of nuclear weapons on the Middle East, which includes analyzing fictional sources and cultural imaginaries.
Photo credit: Pelle Valentin Olsen, 2019
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